Tardy Gate Play Area Refurbishment

Closed 18 Oct 2023

Opened 18 Sep 2023


South Ribble Borough Council are currently improving a number of the borough’s play areas and funds have been allocated to refurbish the playground at Tardy Gate Playing Field with the addition of a new skate park.

The proposed scheme will replace the existing equipment for toddlers (ages 2-6), juniors (ages 7-12) and teens with a range of new items on new surfacing plus an improved ball court. 

There are also plans to include a new skate park as part of the project.   

Ideas for possible new equipment are provided on the following pages.

Why your views matter

We are inviting the public to help us design the new playground by telling us

  • What you like and don’t like about the existing playground
  • What you think about the suggested types of new equipment
  • What else you think would help improve the playground


  • South Ribble