124 results
Fun Thursdays Summer 2023 Feedback
To help us improve the events and activities we deliver, we'd really appreciate your feed back about our Fun Thurday events that have taken place in Market Walk this summer. MoreOpened 27 July 2023 -
Flower Show 2023 - People's Choice Award
Vote for your favourite exhibitor at this year's flower show. MoreOpened 26 July 2023 -
Improvement of Longton Playground
South Ribble Borough Council are currently improving a number of the borough’s play areas and funds have been allocated to refurbish Longton Playground on School Lane. The proposed scheme will replace the existing equipment for toddlers (ages 2-6) and juniors (ages 7-12) with a range of new items within the existing fenced area. The existing safety surfacing will also be replaced. In addition, improvement of the active area next to the existing shelter is also being... MoreOpened 24 July 2023 -
Improvement of New Longton Playground
South Ribble Borough Council are currently improving a number of the borough’s play areas and funds have been allocated to refurbish New Longton playground on Chapel Lane. The proposed scheme will replace the existing equipment for toddlers (ages 2-6) and juniors (ages 7-12) with a range of new items within the existing fenced area. The existing safety surfacing will also be replaced. In addition, improvement of the active area next to the existing shelter is also being... MoreOpened 24 July 2023 -
A Taste of Chorley Feedback 2023
Let us know your thoughts on your experience at A Taste of Chorley 2023. Your opinions are important for us to develop and improve the event for future years. MoreOpened 2 June 2023 -
Music in the Park Feedback 2023
Let us know your thoughts on your experience at Music in the Park. Your opinions are important for us to develop and improve the event for future years. MoreOpened 26 May 2023 -
Consultation on the Revocation of Penwortham Air Quality Management Area.
South Ribble Borough Council are currently considering the revocation of the Penwortham Air Quality Management Area (AQMA). The junction of Liverpool Road, Cop Lane and Priory Lane was declared an AQMA in 2005 following the identification of potentially high levels of Nitrogen Dioxide, a principle pollutant of car exhaust, in the area. Monitoring in the area has confirmed that pollutant levels have been consistently below the national objective for some time, with the latest data... MoreOpened 24 May 2023 -
Community Ownership in South Ribble
The purpose of this survey is to assess the level of knowledge regarding community ownership (cooperatives, community interest companies and community benefit societies) in the borough. It aims to highlight areas that could benefit from cooperative development and support. MoreOpened 16 May 2023 -
Employee Ownership and Succession Planning
We would like to invite you to take part in our survey about employee ownership. You do not need to know what it is to take part as the reason we are conducting this survey is to assess the level of awareness, as well as the level of interest in, employee ownership in the borough. The survey should take no longer than 10 minutes. Thank you MoreOpened 16 May 2023 -
SRBC Select Move Consultation Survey
CONSULTATION ON CHANGES TO THE SELECT MOVE HOUSING ALLOCATION POLICY The partners of Select Move are reviewing the Housing Allocation Policy and we are asking for your views on the proposed changes. Select Move is a sub-regional partnership between the 3 Local Council Districts and 11 Registered Provider Housing Associations that own social housing stock across: Chorley Borough Council Preston City Council South Ribble Borough Council ... MoreOpened 12 May 2023 -
CBC Select Move Consultation Survey
CONSULTATION ON CHANGES TO THE SELECT MOVE HOUSING ALLOCATION POLICY The partners of Select Move are reviewing the Housing Allocation Policy and we are asking for your views on the proposed changes. Select Move is a sub-regional partnership between the 3 Local Council Districts and 11 Registered Provider Housing Associations that own social housing stock across: Chorley Borough Council Preston City Council South Ribble Borough Council ... MoreOpened 12 May 2023 -
Biodiversity Action Plan Consultation
Following on from the development of our Biodiversity Strategy, we’re now looking to create the Action Plan to help guide how we deliver conservation at a local scale. The creation of South Ribble’s Biodiversity Action Plan is a partnership effort to target actions in 5 main areas. Management Habitats and Species Environmental Pressures and Mitigation Sustainable Development (ensuring what we do meets current needs but will not... MoreOpened 13 March 2023 -
A Taste of Chorley 2023
Thank you for your interest in A Taste of Chorley 2023. You could be part of our wonderful food festival by joining us as part of our outdoor street market for artisans, producers, specialist retailers, street food and community groups. The goal of the event is to showcase Chorley's fantastic food and drink culture and we welcome applications from the region. If you would like to join us please complete the following application form. You oly need to complete the sections relevant... MoreOpened 21 February 2023 -
Chorley Budget Consultation 2023/24
We are looking to finalise our plans for the 2023/24 budget and we need your help in telling us what you think of the proposals. MoreOpened 20 January 2023 -
Leyland Christmas Light Switch On Feedback
We want to hear your feedback about how the event went and what we can do to improve the event for next year. MoreOpened 25 November 2022 -
Christmas Light Switch On 2022 Feedback Survey
We want to hear your feedback about how the event went and what we can do to improve the event for next year. MoreOpened 19 November 2022 -
Worden Park Improvements
Worden Park is the borough’s largest park and attracts a large number of visitors annually. Improvements have been carried out to various areas of the park over the years with recent improvements taking place to the park’s car parks, playground and formal garden rockery. There are still areas within the park that would benefit from improvement, especially the park’s paths and drives where the surface is beginning to wear. Need for further improvement Following the... MoreOpened 18 November 2022 -
Active Travel Consultation
Whichever way you travel around the Borough, we want to hear from you as part of this Active Travel Consultation. Active travel includes activities such as walking, wheeling or cycling and are an alternative to driving. They are an important part of our approach to tackling the climate emergency, as well as contributing to the health and wellbeing of the community. We want to learn more about your travel habits which will help inform our work with partners... MoreOpened 10 October 2022 -
Improvement of Riverside Playground, Penwortham
South Ribble Borough Council are currently improving a number of the borough’s play areas and funds have been allocated to refurbish Riverside Playground at Margaret Road in Penwortham. The proposed improvements are proposed to begin following the completion of the flood defence works around the River Ribble by the Environment Agency and will provide new equipment for toddlers (ages 2-6), juniors (ages 7-12) and could include swings, seesaws, multi- climbers and slides. Ideas... MoreOpened 20 September 2022 -
Safer Streets - Lostock Hall
Safer Streets is a multi-agency campaign which will be taking place in Lostock Hall over the Spring and Summer. South Ribble Borough Council is working closely with the Police and Lancashire County Council to take a zero tolerance approach to illegal and unsafe parking on our local streets. We regularly receive complaints around vehicles parked on double yellow lines, across cycle lanes, blocking driveways or at junctions, where they create a visibility hazard. While we... MoreOpened 18 August 2022 -
Improvement of Hutton Playground
South Ribble Borough Council are currently improving a number of the borough’s play areas and funds have been allocated to refurbish the playground at Hutton Playing Field this year. The proposed scheme will provide new equipment for toddlers (ages 2-6), juniors (ages 7-12) and could include swings, seesaws, multi- climbers and slides. The new play equipment would be set within the existing woodchip area within the playing field. Ideas for possible new equipment are provided on... MoreOpened 1 August 2022 -
Improvement of Ryden Avenue Toddler Playground, Leyland
South Ribble Borough Council are currently improving a number of the borough’s play areas and this year funds have been allocated to refurbish the toddler playground at Ryden Avenue in Leyland. The proposed scheme will replace the existing equipment with a range of new toddler items (for ages 2-6) within the existing woodchip area. Works are also proposed to refresh the existing toddler roadway. Ideas for possible new equipment are provided on the following pages. As well as... MoreOpened 25 July 2022 -
Chorley Flower Show 2022 Feedback
Let us know your thoughts on your experience at Chorley Flower Show 2022. Your opinions are important for us to develop and improve the event for future years. MoreOpened 25 July 2022 -
South Ribble Sports Awards 2022
After a 2 year absence, the annual South Ribble Sports Awards are back! MoreOpened 27 May 2022 -
Climate Change Artwork Competition
We are thrilled with the fantastic entries we reccived for our climate change artwork competition and we'd now like you to vote for your favourite from the shortlist. MoreOpened 28 April 2022 -
Biodiversity Strategy Consultation
We have developed our draft Biodiversity Strategy which outlines where we are at with regards to conservation in South Ribble and also highlights ways to promote, conserve and enhance biodiversity across the Borough. To help us finalise this strategy, we'd like your views. MoreOpened 12 April 2022 -
Milestone Meadow Play Area Enhancement Consultation
Chorley Council have been working for some time now to secure funding to enhance the play area at Milestone Meadow. You are invited to have your say about what you would like to see improved at the play area and open space. Your opinion and ideas about the detailed design of the site will help to make the correct choices for the community and ensure the funding is spent in the best way possible. MoreOpened 2 April 2022 -
Bamber Bridge, Lostock Hall and Walton-le-dale in Bloom 2022
Entry form for the 2022 Bamber Bridge, Lostock Hall and Walton-le-dale in Bloom competition MoreOpened 1 April 2022 -
Western Parishes in Bloom 2022
Entry form for the 2022 Western Parishes in Bloom competition. MoreOpened 1 April 2022 -
Eastern Parishes in Bloom 2022
Entry form for the 2022 Eastern Parishes in Bloom competition. MoreOpened 1 April 2022
124 results.
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