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123 results

  • Leyland Town Centre Masterplan

    PLEASE NOTE - THE ADVERTISED DROP IN EVENT WILL NOT BE TAKING PLACE In 2019 South Ribble Borough Council appointed WYG to develop a Town Centre Improvement Strategy for Leyland Town Centre to help guide future policy, action and investment for Leyland to best meet its full potential. The Improvement Strategy will be used to inform investment opportunities, potential physical improvement works and future strategic policy for the town centre with a key output being a focused... More
    Closed 17 April 2020
  • Licensing Act 2003 Statement of Policy

    On the 14 th January 2020 the Licensing and Public Safety Committee received a report and draft revised Statement of Licensing Policy. As part of our statutory duties under the Licensing Act 2003 we must review the policy every 5 years and consult stakeholders and other bodies such as licence holders or their representatives on any proposed changes. The consultation exercise will commence on Thursday 16 th January 2020 and conclude at 5pm on the 27 th February 2020 ... More
    Closed 27 February 2020
  • Licensing Consultation

    On the 12th November 2019 the Licensing and Public Saftey Committee recieved several reports relating to policy changes. A copy of the report and items discussed at this meeting can be found below and also at the start of each survey. As part of this process we would want to engage with all stakeholders and interested parties, including licensed drivers and proprietors. The consultation exercises will commence on Monday 13 th January 2020 and conclude at 5pm on 24 th ... More
    Closed 24 February 2020
123 results. Page 5 of 5